Зараз на сайті 17 відвідувачів

EURO 2012 - Kiev

EURO 2012 - Kiev - Квартири подобово без посередників - Vgosty
Distance to other EURO 2012 host-cities:
Kharkov – 480 km
Lviv – 540 km
Donetsk – 700 km
Warsaw – 800 km
Poznan – 1,090 km
Wroclaw – 1,140 km
Gdansk – 1,190 km

Kiev is the capital of Ukraine, the country's largest metropolis, situated on both banks of the river Dnieper. It is one of the oldest and the most beautiful cities in Europe. The capital is a leading business, political, scientific and cultural center of Ukraine. Also it is acknowledge as one of the most green cities in the world. Many buildings in Kiev bear status of architectural monuments of world importance.
The city, whose history dates more than 1,500 years, was named in honor of Kiy – the eldest of the brothers, who according to legend are the founders of Kiev. Another legend says that the name of the city was givenafter its first residents Kiyan, the so-called workers who served at the crossing point on the river Dnieper.
In the Middle Ages, Kiev became the capital of one of the most influential countries in Eastern Europe – Kievan Rus. In those days he played the role of the most important political, commercial and cultural center. After Prince Vladimir baptized Rus in the year 988, Kiev became a powerful core of spirituality, and still remains one of the most famous centers of Christianity in the world. Its power was lost only city in 1240, when it was destroyed by Mongol-Tatars. In following years, Kiev passed from hand to hand: it had been part of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and was under the rule of Russia and in the twentieth century became the capital of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialistic Republic. Since 1991 Kiev is the capital of independent Ukraine.
Nevertheless, Kiev is famous for its rich sports history. The city can boast with a lot of outstanding athletes and victories at the Olympic Games, European and World Championships in every kind of sport. However, Kiev have the long-standing football tradition that made it famous all over the world. The main pride of the Ukrainian capital is FC "Dynamo", the flagship of the national football and the most successful club in the country's history. Team has won numerous prestigious trophies, including nine national Cups, five Super Cups of Ukraine, two Cup Winners' Cup (by the way, "Dynamo" was the first Soviet club to win a European trophy), and the UEFA Super Cup.
Therefore Union of European Football Associations did not hesitate and conferred to Kiev the right to host EURO 2012. It is the capital National Sports Complex "Olympic" – the most spacious stadium of the Championship – will hold three group stage matches, the quarter-finals as well as a crucial match that will determine the tournament winner. The preparation level of today leaves no doubt that Kiev will hold EURO 2012 at the highest level and fans will enjoy vivid, unforgettable football festivity.
How to get. Ukrainian capital linked by regular flights with almost all countries of world. There are two airports in Kiev. The first one is "Kiev Zhuliany", which focuses mainly on domestic flights, and the second one is international airport "Borispol" where arrives the majority of international flights. Aircrafts from Warsaw, Prague, Paris, London, Madrid, Vienna, Budapest, Hamburg, Moscow and many other European cities land there. Kiev’s air gates also receive flights from the Ukrainian EURO 2012 host-cities, Kharkov, Lviv and Donetsk.
Also it is possible to get to Kiev by bus and it is connected with Poland (Warsaw, Wroclaw), Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Latvia and other European countries. Here also arrive buses from the Ukrainian EURO 2012 host-cities e.g. Kharkov (the journey takes 7 h), Lviv (10 h) and Donetsk (11 h).
The railway station is located near the bus one. Here arrive international trains from Warsaw (15 hours), Poznan (18 hours), Wroclaw (25 hours), Krakow (20 hours), Berlin (23 hours), Prague (22 hours), Vienna (16 hours), Budapest (25 hours) and other European cities. To the Ukrainian EURO 2012 host-cities is best to travel by high-speed trains. The trip to Kharkov will take 3.5 hours, to Donetsk – 5.5 hours and to Lviv – 4 hours.
Переглядів: 3520, Додано: 2012-05-27
Предидущаяя Наступна

Ми рекомендуємо

750 грн./доба
м. Київ
3-к.кв, вул.Боричів спуск 5, євроремонт, студіо, ст.м.Почтовая площа
Кімнат: 3
Спальних місць: 8
Поверх: 3/3
Площа: 60 м2
500 грн./доба
м. Чернівці
3-х ком. в особняке.Автоместо
Кімнат: 3
Спальних місць: 3
Поверх: 3/3
Площа: 85 м2

Ми рекомендуємо

330 грн./доба
м. Київ
Кімнат: 1
Спальних місць: 3
Площа: 32 м2
550 грн./доба
м. Київ
Квартира з шикарним видом з вікна
Кімнат: 3
Спальних місць: 6
Поверх: 9/9
Площа: 70 м2

Ми рекомендуємо

300 грн./доба
м. Севастополь
Здам квартиру біля моря Парк Перемоги з євро на Проспекті Окт.революці
Кімнат: 1
Спальних місць: 3
Поверх: 9/9
Площа: 32 м2
450 грн./доба
м. Миколаїв
комфорт і затишок в центрі
Кімнат: 2
Спальних місць: 4
Поверх: 5/5
Площа: 50 м2

Ми рекомендуємо

600 грн./доба
м. Київ
двокімнатні квартири подобово!
Кімнат: 2
Спальних місць: 4
Площа: 60 м2
380 грн./доба
м. Миколаїв
Стильна 2 до студіо з ізольованою спальнею
Кімнат: 2
Спальних місць: 7
Поверх: 5/5
Площа: 55 м2

Ми рекомендуємо

450 грн./доба
м. Чернівці
Двухкімнатна квартира.Евроремонт, спутн.ТБ, ІНТЕРНЕТ, документи.
Кімнат: 2
Спальних місць: 8
Поверх: 4/4
Площа: 79 м2
350 грн./доба
м. Київ
Однокімнатна квартира в тихому, затишному місці
Кімнат: 1
Спальних місць: 2
Поверх: 9/9
Площа: 32 м2

Ми рекомендуємо

300 грн./доба
м. Севастополь
Подобово в Севастополі 1 к / к з євро море-Парк Перемоги 7 мін.пешком
Кімнат: 1
Спальних місць: 3
Поверх: 9/9
Площа: 32 м2
300 грн./доба
м. Львів
Сучасна квартира в центрі м. Львова
Кімнат: 1
Спальних місць: 2
Поверх: 4/4
Площа: 20 м2

Ми рекомендуємо

2160 грн./доба
м. Київ
Нова 2-х кімнатна квартира після євроремонту
Кімнат: 2
Спальних місць: 4
Поверх: 10/10
Площа: 88 м2
550 грн./доба
м. Київ
Шикарна 3-х кімнатна квартира в тихому місці центру Києва
Кімнат: 3
Спальних місць: 6
Поверх: 9/9
Площа: 70 м2

Ми рекомендуємо

400 грн./доба
м. Луцьк
Квартира подобово в луцьку ЗАГС
Кімнат: 2
Спальних місць: 4
Поверх: 9/9
Площа: 50 м2
1485 грн./доба
м. Судак
Номери в котеджі біля фортеці і моря
Кімнат: 0
Спальних місць: 3
Поверх: 3/3
Площа: 25 м2
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